Jpn J Infect Dis, 57, S1-S35, 2004

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The 4th International Peroxidase Meeting

Contribution of Peroxidases in Host-Defense, Diseases and 
Cellular Functions
   Kazuo Suzuki, Eri Muso and William M. Nauseef 
   [Summary] [PDF]

Contribution of Myeloperoxidase in Vasculitis Development 
   Kazuo Suzuki and Tomio Okazaki
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Lessons from MPO Deficiency about Functionally Important 
Structural Features
   William M. Nauseef
   [Summary]  [PDF]
The Influence of Autoantibodies to Myeloperoxidase on 
Neutrophil Function and Intracellular Signaling 
   Julie Williams, Peter Hewins and Caroline Savage 
   [Summary]  [PDF]

Newer Insights into the Aetiology and Pathogenesis of 
Myeloperoxidase Associated Autoimmunity
   Wilhelm H. Schmitt
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Murine Model of Kawasaki Disease Induced by 
Mannoprotein-b-Glucan Complex, CAWS, Obtained from Candida albicans
   Naohito Ohno
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Genetic Studies on Myeloperoxidase Deficiency in Italy 
   Caterina Marchetti, Pierluigi Patriarca, G. Pietro Solero, 
   Francisco E. Baralle and Maurizio Romano
   [Summary]  [PDF]

Genomic Variations in Myeloperoxidase Gene in the Japanese Population 
   Yosuke Kameoka, Amanda S. Persad and Kazuo Suzuki
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Biosynthesis and Sorting of Myeloperoxidase in Hematopoietic Cells
   Inge Olsson, Elinor Bulow and Markus Hansson
   [Summary]  [PDF]
In Vivo Role of Myeloperoxidase for the Host Defense 
   Yasuaki Aratani, Fumiaki Kura, Haruo Watanabe, Hisayoshi Akagawa, 
   Ynkie Takano, Kazuo Suznki, Mary C. Dinauer, Nobuyo Maeda and
   Hideki Koyama
   [Summary]  [PDF]
The Clinical Features and Pathology of Vasculitis Associated with 
Anti-Myeloperoxidase Autoantibodies
   David Jayne
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVlg) Therapy in MPO-ANCA Related 
Polyangiitis with Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis in Japan 
   Eri Muso, Toshiko Ito-Ihara, Takahiko Ono, Enyu Imai, 
   Kunihiro Yamagata, Akira Akamatsu and Kazuo Suznki
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Neutrophil Microbicidal Activity: Screening Bacterial Mutants for 
Survival afier Phagocytosis Using Quantitative PCR 
   Henry Rosen, Patrick J. Lewis and Cory M.L. Nitzel
   [Summary]  [PDF]
The Role of Myeloperoxidase in the Pathogenesis of Coronary Artery 
   Stephen J. Nicholls and Stanley L. Hazen
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Mechanisms of Activation of NADPH Oxidases
   Robert A. Clark, Teny Kay Epperson and Anthony J. Valente
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Molecular Mechanism Underlying Activation of Superoxide-Producing 
NADPH Oxidases: Roles for Their Regulatory Proteins
   Hideki Sumimoto, Noriko Ueno, Tomoko Yamasaki, Masahiko Taura
   and Ryu Takeya
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Clinical Evaluation of Interferon-Gamma Treatment to Chronic 
Granulomatous Disease Patients with Splice Site Mutations
   Hiroyuki Nunoi, Fuminari Ishibashi, Tomoyuki Mizukami and
   Fumio Hidaka
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Progress toward Effective Gene Therapy for Chronic Granulomatous 
   Harry L. Malech, Uimook Choi and Sebastian Brenner
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Tissue Distribution and Putative Physiological Function of 
NOX Family NADPH Oxidases
   Karl-Heinz Krause
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Kinetics of Interconversion of Redox Intermediates of Lactoperoxidase, 
Eosinophil Peroxidase and Myeloperoxidase
   Paul Georg Furtmuller, Walter Jantschko, Martina Zederbauer, 
   Christa Jakopitsch, Jurgen Arnhold and Christian Obinger
   [Summary]  [PDF]
Reactions of Superoxide with Myeloperoxidase and Its Products
   Christine C. Winterbourn and Anthony J. Kettle
   [Summary]  [PDF]

Reactions of 1-Methyl-2-Mercaptoimidazole with Hypochlorous Acid
and Superoxide
   Masao Nakamura, Naomi Shishido and Hiroaki Akutsu
   [Summary]  [PDF]

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